Friday, April 28, 2006


I was watching TV the other day and stumbled across Sex and the City on WB. Now I have always been the biggest fan but now when I watch its just different. I really feel like I can relate to it.

I recognize what part of the city she is in, when she tells the cabbie to go to her apt on E 72nd-I chuckle because I know where that is and instantly think about how cool her apt was rent stablized, I've been to some of the restaurants they are in..... I know it sounds cliche because my Aunties have been calling me Sex in the City since I signed my lease here in NY.

Recent episodes have talked about great date but awful kissers, people trying the set you up on dates because you are single, and my fav he should have said he has a girlfriend sooner so you don't get attached.

SPEED DATE UPDATE: I've been emailed by 4 guys....Amod, Tony, John, and Raj. I'm in the process of making plans to go out with two of them...Tony and John.

Katie and I were just laughing about how this is a lot of guys to think I used to have a problem talking to two guys at once-ha!

Have a great weekend! I'll miss you gals at brunch!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


As one of the pioneers from the group in speed dating (thanx to Mel) I feel the need to recap the night as well. It started off a little shaky when I nearly broke my ankle trying to hail a cab in heels-which normally I'm a pro but it may have been that red bull and vodka I had or just nerves-based on my past I'm thinking it was the nerves :)

Anyways, Mel and I arrive and slightly unsure about where to go because there are no signs. But I have been to Bliss Lounge before so we decide to order nerves are still acting up and I order a Stoli Rasberry and Vodka and don't even realize it until the bartender tries to correct me for the second time-clearly I'm still have problems converting over to "my" new drink. We figure to head upstairs bec we still don't see anyone....

Mel and I started out mingling and chatting away. I had my social shoes so I was happy. Sometimes I decide to be introverted but maybe I'm just having flashbacks to grammar school and cringing at boys even talking to me. Um yeah actually I'm pretty social these days...I take it back....

I digress...turns out one of the guys that I spoke to at the bar was my first date so it was as smoothe as can be. He was really nice and we chatted it up. Everyone was really nice and some of the guys were nervous so I felt bad.

But I do have to tell you about this guy Roh. He was BIZARRE!! And not in a good way! He was my second date and when he came to my table I stood up to shake his hand. He said I don't shake hands I "fist". I thought that was a little odd (PS Mel said he shook her hand??!!) but some ppl have germ issues I still had 6 minutes to go. He sits and says I look very shiney today. I said thank you. We were sitting by the balcony. He says this looks like a good place to stand, I think I want to stand there, actually I am going to stand there. So he goes to the balcony and does this little dance. I seriously couldn't stop laughing and proceeded to egg him on. He sits down and says he is doing research and needs to know what my favorite jolly rancher flavor is. Naturally I say Sour Apple he corrects me and says there is only Green Apple not Sour Apple and people who like that flavor are crazy (he was serious!!) I told him that he was planning on saying with any flavor I said. What would he say about Cherry flavor? He responds-I would say that they are really nice. Getting nowhere.....and praying for the bell to ring!!

I ask if he likes the city. He says he doesn't like that question because its too obvious. I said that is not obvious at all some people don't like the city. I said OK what do you think is a good question to ask. He said we were going to go around the room and rate guys as either marry, have sex with, or kill. I said you want to rate these guys? I don't even know them. Then finally there was the bell!! THANK GOD!!

But the night ended on a good note where 2 of the guys bought us drinks and we were chatting it up some more. They live 3 blocks away from me so I'm sure I'll see them around regardless.

I'm really glad I did it and would definitely do it again! All in all there were 5 guys that I thought were date worthy! We haven't heard back about who our matches were...but I will keep you updated!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Today EJ is officially 22 yrs old! So only naturally I will give an EJ update. She is doing fabulously. She is a tired and achy but all in all good. She is going home tomorrow for a sonogram to find out how big the baby is. They think that Madelyn might be huge and require a c-section-ha! I'm hoping for a 6ft vball player....but we'll see!

Her and Andrew just came back from a BABYMOON! You ask what a babymoon is?? Well apparently crafty EJ researched this Bed and Breakfast for couples about to have a baby. I guess its a new thing because I never heard of it or maybe EJ just thinks she is the new Britany in need of lots of pampering. Well they had a weekend away in Connecticut filled with couples massages and strolls along the quaint village.

Mazel Tov!

Monday, April 24, 2006


Oh man here we are another Monday! My spring break is officially over-damn! But I had a fabulous weekend! I rented Walk the Line, Match Point, and Broken Flowers. Broken Flowers with Bill Murray was OK dragged a bit and not much of an ending. Walk the Line was good but there was soooo much hype and it was kinda how I thought it was going to be. Match Point, the Woody Allen flick, with Scarlett Johansen was good. Again a bit slow but I like her so it was enjoyable. During my movie marathon I decided to stuff my face with yummy fresh guacamole and mint chocolate chip ice cream----yummm!!

In between this movie and food feast my friends got me off the couch to dance away at Bar 13. We had lots of fun. I've made a very important decision to change my drink of choice from Vodka tonic to Stoli Rasberry and Soda. Soooo good and not as sweet as Vodka tonic. My cuz introduced me.

Oh and Jackie emailed me this pic of her baby Tommy! He is 4 months in this pic and so adorable!!

Friday, April 21, 2006


Yes ladies I did it......I went to visit my friend Omega at my new fav NYC hair salon and he converted me. I told him I wanted lighter for the summer and BAM! I'm a blonde. It took me a second to get used to it but I love it!!

I've also acquired a new product....leave in conditioner.....Now I am no product guru by any say the least...the very least....I'm actually more like a product dope.....only recently did I start using moisturizer on my skin. Anyways, I have no idea what to do with this I put in in with wet hair or dry hair? How much do I put in? When is enough??

Please give this gal some pointers :)

Thursday, April 20, 2006


With me being on Spring Break, my mom and I went shopping for her dress at my brother's wedding. We spent the day at Saks and lunched with the ladies. We had a fabulous time! And look at this hot number she picked up!!

And to think she felt left out by not being in the bridal party....she is going to show us up like nobody's business!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Last Friday my friend Aylin from school invited me to go to the Bodies Exhibit in South Street Seaport.

I don't know if you gals have heard about it but it was awesome!! It was this huge gallery filled with cadavers. They had a room for each nervous system, respitory system. And it would show the whole body in tact (skin removed) with all the body parts that were involved in that system.

There was another room that had the veins and nerves injected with florescent dye in a black-light room with the skin and bones chemically removed. So you could see the veins in the lungs without the actual lung there, etc. It was amazing!!

There were also rooms showing diseases, cancer, and the gradual fetal development in a woman.

It will only be there a couple more weeks but I definitely recommend everyone to go see it!!

Friday, April 14, 2006


(L to R) Me, Katie, Kaitlin, Jetti
Garrett (Katie's bf) & (very drunk) Ryan

Me, Katie and Courtney

YAY!! It was sooo gorgeous outside yesterday! So I'm officially on spring break and feeling free as a bird! These pics are not from last night but I wanted to show some of the people I hang out with here in the city. The top pic is with my cousin and her friend from cool is the name Jetti-its not even short for anything....

So all of us were out last night at Opal on 52nd and 2nd. It was so packed! Everyone was out in full effect with the great weather and a work free Friday. We had a great time with some yummy cocktails dancing the night away.

Nothing too crazy guy friends were macking it to Kaitlin and Jetti. I kind of met a guy too which was fun. He is a banker who grew up in Plainview....28, cute, nice....He took my number but I think he had one cocktail too many so chances of him calling could be slim-ha!

But good times nonetheless...its funny after a few cocktails happy hour turns into a 1am event...ooooops :)

Thursday, April 13, 2006


When I was in school, I noticed that when I was wearing my glasses that I was having difficulty seeing details on the board. So with my fab new medical insurance I decided to pop by the doctor's office located right next to my school. Not to mention that ever since Mel got her fancy new frames its been on my mind.....

Turns out my perscription is fine....but still decided to peruse through the glasses (ha! any excuse to shop!) I was originally looking at this frame in purple but after about 45 minutes of starring at myself in the mirror I thought they were a bit too much.....and found out they made the same pair in brown!

So naturally I had to buy them!

PS......taking pics of yourself is too much fun! I took about a million :)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


As you all know I spend most of my time in the library so I can get some studying done and not sucked into my fav TIVOed show. I was in there the other night around 10pm so it was pretty empty. Well when I was sitting there quietly studying the guy right behind me farted sooo loud. I thought he was wearing headphones and didn't realize so I turned around and nope no headphones. Then I thought maybe he thought he was alone....nope he looked me square in the eyes with this look of I am going to toot where ever I please. It was so gross and weird but then at the same time I couldn't stop chuckling.

But the thing is I see him all over campus now. I see him with his friends and even walking the street. And every time I see him I say in my head Hi Farter or Oh look its the farter. I look at his friends and I wonder if they know he is such a defiant toot-er??!! Yesterday I spotted him pulling his bookbag on wheels on campus. I couldn't stop starring at him and he just kept looking back at me. I wonder if he recognizes me??

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


For those of you that don't know, right now I'm the bookkeeper for BBQ in Brooklyn. I pay the bills, enter sales, payroll, etc. I also handle special projects such as converting the different restaurants to a new payroll software, audit payroll procedures, research unemployment issues, and other special projects.

The BBQ on 23rd & 8th (my location) is very hectic now. We are busy trying to get staff trained and everything setup for the new Times Square location that is trying to open.

I was just told the other day that when the new store opens my duties will be changing. They hired someone to do the books full time at the Brooklyn location. So now I will be focusing on my special payroll/unemployment projects and more. Then they might use me to organize the parties at the T Sq store. They need someone to manage the scheduling of parties, take payments, and essentially do the whole customer service bit.

I'm a little nervous of the new position. But it will be interesting to see a new aspect of the business plus I'll still be working on the payroll projects.

And you all know how this girl hearts planning and organizing :)

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Last night I had the strangest dream. I normally remember all my dreams and tend to dream frequently. But I've been so distracted lately or perhaps not really sleeping I haven't remembered any.

So I drempt that I won an Academy Award. I'm not quite sure for what. But while I was walking on stage either my heels were too high or the floor was slippery but I kept falling. It was like I was on ice...I couldn't even stand. But it didn't matter I was still just super excited to be on stage and receiving the award.

Then the scene cuts and I was recognized in a bank as being on TV and receiving the award.

Then I'm at an "after-party" or some sort of party and all you girls and the guys were there-the normal bunch of us. But it was at my parents house in LI?? And I had no pants on? And no one really seemed to notice until my Mom yelled at me and said, "Mary Alexis, are you not wearing any pants?"

Damn, back to reality......

Thursday, April 06, 2006




Katie was wandering into our apt building last night when she ran into our neighbor. Yes this is the unfriendly neighbor that pays our electric bills and doesn't know it. Anyways, she tells that she got off of the phone with the building's management and they sold the building!!

Um yeah that's right THEY SOLD OUR APARTMENT BUILDING!!! She was told that we would be able to stay for our lease but then we would have to leave. We have not been told officially but Katie left a message with the Building Mgmt Office. So we will stalk them until we have an answer.

So we might be on the hunt for a new apartment soon. I think the owner of our building owns other buildings so we might try to get hooked up there. I'm soooo bummed!! I wanted to stay here for the rest of school because its so convenient and the price is right. Plus the thought of searching through Craigslist, broker's fees, gives me agita.....

We are going to wait to hear back from mgmt but we will most likely try to get hooked up with another one of his buildings. If not then we are on the hunt again! And if we don't find something in this price range then Katie is going packing back to LI and I'll have to squirrel my way around looking for a new roomie!

I'll keep you updated!!! AHHHH!!!

PS...Patty do you see your wedding photo on our fridge as well as your fancy blue dishes. And Meghan can you spy your George Forman Grill?? :)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


So I'm not quite sure if there is some sort of competition or sibling rivalry going on between my brother and sister. EJ gets engages, my brother decides to finally pop the question. EJ is can Justin compete.....

He just went out and bought a dog??!! Now Leo is cute as you can see but I thought they were supposed to be free as a bird newlyweds traveling all over the world (they are very adventursome together). They just bought the dog this week and already last night I got a call asking to come over and babysit! Ha! I wonder who is going to be asked to watch this chow/collie mix of a pup while they are touring Europe for 3 weeks this summer??

But speaking of those two....a bridal shower is in the midst of being planned for Carolyn. I was told I need to think of a bridal shower games to play. They are already playing BINGO....any other ideas??

Oh and I'm fighting a cold here....but I just purchased $52 worth of cold remedies between my Ester C with bioflavinoids, Echinacea with Golden Seal, Airborne, Coldese, etc....I sure as hell better beat this thing!!

Please send game suggestions :)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Oh lordy! Today my fancy pearl necklace broke again!! I just got the dang thing restrung in October. So I'm going to bring it back to the place on LI and complain to have them fix it!

But you can also see that I got my new digital camera in the mail-woohoo!

Plus guess who got back their midterm from last week and scored the highest in the class....mmmhmmm that's right....yeah I did!

Saturday, April 01, 2006


(L to R) My cousin Kaitlin (my NYC buddy), Carolyn (Justin's wifey-to be) , Nicole (my cuz/Kara's sister), Kara (my goddaughter), EJ, and Moi.
(L to R) Andrew's mom, Andrew's Gma, EJ, my Gma (Mom's mom), my Mom, Me, & Carolyn
My mom and the infamous cookey Aunt Peggy. She is my Mom's sister who lives in CA now. She just got married last summer. The wedding was in NY, then canceled, then in CA, then canceled, and then in CA.

EJ and I with my Aunt Arleen (my dad's brother's wife) She is the Aunt that I have her heirloom wedding ring and we always have a special christmas dinner together with her and my Uncle.

So as you can see EJ's shower was a hit! Can you believe how big EJ is??!! Carolyn made that great clothesline that you can see in some of the pics. There was a onsie that said, "Does this diaper make my butt look big?" Ha!

And do you see my little Kara?? She's already 6 yrs old and thinks she's 30!

My Gma was the life of the party! Not only is she stylish with her matching jewelry and top but she was just cracking jokes left and right. I love spending time with her!