Friday, April 21, 2006


Yes ladies I did it......I went to visit my friend Omega at my new fav NYC hair salon and he converted me. I told him I wanted lighter for the summer and BAM! I'm a blonde. It took me a second to get used to it but I love it!!

I've also acquired a new product....leave in conditioner.....Now I am no product guru by any say the least...the very least....I'm actually more like a product dope.....only recently did I start using moisturizer on my skin. Anyways, I have no idea what to do with this I put in in with wet hair or dry hair? How much do I put in? When is enough??

Please give this gal some pointers :)


Amy said...

hey blondie! i love it - you look totally ready for the summer :)
the kinds of leave-ins i use, i wash & condition my hair like normal. then after the shower, comb it out a bit, apply some leave-in to the ends of my hair, comb again, dry/style as usual. Congrats on the new do!!

devon dance party said...

i am so loving the blonde locks! i'm thinking that a leave in is a great idea- perhaps a glossy serum or hair mask---

MAP said...

Thanks gals!! I'll def test out these new techniques :)