Wednesday, June 28, 2006

MADDIE!!! Hi everyone! I'm Maddie. My Aunt has this site and was so nice to let me write in while she is busy at work. Here I'm in my Mommy's arms. My silly Aunt keeps making all these noises above Mommy's head. So I look up and BAM....a flash goes off. I don't get it but she can't stop smiling so I guess that's good.
Here is my crazy Aunt again and Mommy. I saw Daisy walking around so that was more fun to look at then that weird flashing thing.
Here is my Meema and Poppers with me and Mom. I had just tooted but no one seems to notice.
These girls seemed kinda cool. They made all these noises at me which was fun. I think Mom said they are Melissa and Ann Marie but I dunno.
Now I know I'm only 2 weeks old but I don't think a girl is ever too young to worry about her figure. I mean no one will answer my got back?
Us girls here are chillin in our PJs. I have mitts on my hands before bed because Mommy put lotion on me and I like the way it tastes. PS...I tried to tell Aunt Alexis to put some pants on for the pic but I guess she saw that I wasn't either. She is such a copy cat-soon she'll have her own mitts??!!
Kinda sleepy here on Auntie's lap. But I didn't want to fall asleep. It is more fun to cry and get my Mom upset.
OK well now I'm back with Mommy and she is super comfy so I couldn't resist falling asleep! My Mommy says she likes this pic because of her new "rack" but I don't know what that means?

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Part One:

Things were going well with Rory as of last Thursday until I decided to call him excited to be done with my midterm and he said he just got an unexpected visit from his ex (2 yr gf that broke up with him 3 months yeah I mentioned her in my first posting...I knew this girl was trouble!!) I was like oh that must have been awkward. We continued to chat about how he was confused about why she came around because she said she wanted to see how he was doing but didn't want to lead him on. Stuck in the middle of an awk convo I said to keep me updated on the whole situation. Was not feeling good about the whole thing but when he text me the next morning apologized for the convo and said he still wants to see me on Saturday if I want to...I felt a little better.

We went to the MOMA. Had a great time! The museum was awesome. We had good convo as usual. We both got yelled at different times for touching the art. It was funny. I made sure to look super cute that day.....short little skirt and baby tee :) At one point a security guard came up to us and said to Rory..."What are you doing bringing such a gorgeous girl here to rub in our faces? Treat her good man." Kind of awkward but funny at the same time. We went to get some yummy Italian food after that. I had great eggplant. Towards the end I was thinking things were a little off but then thought I was being paranoid.

He text me the next day saying what a great time he had and we continued to text throughout the day. I checked Verizon to see my total monthly texts and I'm up to 199 receive and 175 sent...just to give you an idea of how consistenly we were chatting plus constant IMs and a few phone calls.


He IMs me at work on Monday and says he spoke to the ex today and he just doesn't know what to do, he is confused, doesn't know what she wants, and keeps comparing me to her which is not fair. WTF??? I told him work is crazy so we can talk later.

I was thinking about it during class and I knew I was going to have to get rid of this one. So we continue the convo after class...He says the same crap how his head is all over the place and he doesn't know what to do because now he feels like a jerk. How I'm great and doesn't know why he can't be happy with someone wonderful like me, blah blah. But he's comparing me to her and thats not fair to me. And then starts venting over his anger with his ex. I say things like what are you thinking about now, maybe we should chill out for a while, you know how to get in touch with me but you need to fix yourself. He then continues to vent and it was now starting to get annoying.

I say any parting words? I have to get some grub. He says we'll be in touch. I say Peace out chico!

If he wants to check in every once in a while I'm down. But this girl is not waiting for anyone! So I signed onto Match and finally accepted dates with three different guys for this week-ha! One more week of class left and then I can really become a dating machine!!

PS...Jon wrote me an email saying hi the other day. I don't think I'm going to return it. I just don't think there was anything there. After much thought I def need someone more laid back. If I was with him I think I'd be set for a heart attack at 40! But we'll see how these other dates go maybe I will have a change of heart :)

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Here is the invite for my brother's wedding. Its pretty nice-nothing too exciting but not dreafully awful so its all good!

The bridesmaid dresses are in!! I tried it on last weekend on LI. Its no sooooo bad. I mean they are def ugly and def still long sleeve but the initial showing wasn't as bad as I thought. Maybe because I was expecting the worst of the worst? (PS....This does not mean you need to hold back any mocking when you see me pictured with a medieval long sleeved dress in August-ha!) I guess I'm just feeling nice now because I love Carolyn :)

With less than a month away (July 16th) the bridal shower drama has begun! To refresh your memory its her 2 bro's wives (2 dowdy suffolk 40 yr olds), 2 BFFs (rockin 80s gals), and EJ and I. Her 2 BFFs are her matron's of honor-one is a paranoid super party planner in Minnesota and the other suffolk girl on her honeymoon now. And the 2 other sister in laws have never been involved in a bridal shower before. So they have been come up with ridiculous ideas like shipping things in from England and 18 different favors for everyone. I'm in charge of RSVP so we are up to 34 yes, 11 no, and 10 not responded yet. One lady suggested getting together out in Suffolk before the party. I told her we can do it all on email because I can't get out there because of school and everyone else is not around. And I've emailed out a million time asking what ppl have spent because we need to budget. But haven't heard anything yet! Now I know I shouldn't be worrying because I'm sure the bridal shower invites did not cost much but you never know!! The moron probably used high quality florescent pink ink or purchased the rights to use doves and rose picture-ugh!

Now for the bachelorette party we've had some stellar ideas as well. The Minnesota chick has decided it is going to be the same weekend as the shower so she can be there. I think this limits us and has oodles of potential for pblms. But she's the maid of honor so whatevs. Carolyn doesn't want to do anything big she just wants the girls to hang out, not be embarrased, and no strippers-what?? :) My suggestion was going to a fun belly dancing restaurant and drinks in the city. But this Minnesota chick is fixated on this idea of asking a friend of a friend of a friend (literally-no exaggeration) to use their house out East on Friday to sleepover and have wine and cheese. Then on Saturday going wine tasting. But because Carolyn's shower is the next day and we have to be home we need to all mysteriously disappear Saturday night after we got her all wasted? She seems to be having trouble getting the house thing together (shocker??!!) so I'm still crossing my fingers that we do the city thing or even the other maid of honor will come back from honeymoon and smack some sense into the other!

PS.....I have a midterm today-wish me luck!!
PPS....EJ and Maddie are going to be on LI this weekend-I see them on Sunday!
PPPS....Date #3 with Rory on Saturday!
PPPPS....They are filming a movie on my street today-maybe I should take a study break and try to be an extra-ha!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

For date #2 with Rory we were trying to brainstorm for ideas and I've been dying to see the Laser Light Show at Hayden Planetarium. It has all this great alternative music with a crazy light show to match. Rory thought it was a great idea. I told him that he needed to pick the place to eat because if the light show is a bust he can be responsible for the food :) He laughed then agreed.

So that night while I'm getting ready. The phone rings 40 min before he is supposed to be at my apt. I pick it up because I thought that he was calling to say that he is on my way. I am surpised when he says he is downstairs and that there was surprisingly no traffic. AHH! I just finished drying my hair and told him that I'll let him in shortly I just need to get some clothes on.

Five minutes later I'm all dressed with minimal makeup and ring him up. I open the door a second later and he is right there. I jump a million feet in the air surprised that he is there and we both laugh and a exchange a kiss on the cheek. We sit and chat for a while. He is still looking super cute with a button down shirt from Abercrombie and matching shorts. Of course he is wearing his new sneakers. These sporty Nike's that "fit like a sock" He hearts them which makes me laugh.

We head out to walk to the subway. Surprise surprise we are running late, the subway is not coming so we (as in he) decides we should just take the E and transfer. We wind up staying on the E too long and it is back at 53rd/Lex. Oops. I'm getting nervous (trying to hide it but I'm sure not working) because it is now 15 min till the show. He on the other hand is cool as a cucumber and says we'll make it.

We get out and take a cab to arrive at the light show 2 min before. We settle in and both relieved to make it. He offers me some swedish fish from his pocket-yum my favorite! The show was really cool! Great music and very cool visuals! I was really happy to see it.

So we start walking to this place that he loves in the area. He was there a year ago. Well after walking to the spot and me double checking on my PDA we determine that the place went out of business. It is 10pm and still no dinner. My feet hurt because I'm sporting these big heels. We stop by a few places in the area that were super expensive. Even though he said it was fine I said no way we should just go back to my neighborhood I know good places there. We are both starving and get a cab.

We get to Benjamins, this great restaurant a few doors down from my apt. While we were getting seated he asked me where I want to sit. I tell him and he walks over there. So naturally I go to the other one. He says where are you going? I thought he might not have heard me. Um no...he was going to get the chair for me-ha! Clearly I'm not used to this nice treatment :) I say oh man sorry thank you though and scoot over there.

So finally we are settled in. I apologize for the night be a chaotic rush. He says he's having fun and its his fault that we took the E. I told him next time he needs to show up earlier :) We have a great dinner. I order scallops-yum! and him a steak. I also had the yummiest dirty vodka martini (my new date drink because I only need to have one-ha!). We talk and laugh and really enjoy each others company. Finally relaxing!

Still not having smooched him, I ask him if he's tired because we can go hang out at my apt (of course I have my plan of attack). He just needs to move his car out of the garage because its not 24 hrs. We go and find him a spot on my block.

We are watching TV and trying to look up this singer of one of the songs we heard at the show (MAPS by yeah yeah yeahs). We are cuddling on the couch watching TV. We flip the channels and agree on Dr. 90210. We are both sober, I'm super nervous, and he keeps licking his lips. But its not helping that the TV is blasting about how the girl is getting her torn vag fixed.

But we managed to go in for it! YAY! It was great and this girl has brought the DH to NYC!!

This date could have been completely disastrous but we just both laughed and still enjoyed it.

I have since downloaded that song and text back and forth with him all day. Oh man I think I have the bug!

PS....I just got the invite for my brother's wedding in the mail-ahhhh! Don't worry I'm not even going to consider asking him for at least another month or so.....if he makes it until then. Although I'm not going to lie I'm crossing my fingers on this one :)

Monday, June 19, 2006


Stats: 26yrs old, Leo, Lawyer, lives in Forest Hills works in NYC, 5ft 10in

With the whole Match process my screening process usually involves some emails back and forth and maybe some IMs. Then they get the phone number if they ask for it. They then need to pass the phone message test (aka not sound crazy). I then call them back and again if the convo goes well and if they ask to get together we try to make plans.

However with Jon, I was not so thorough. We exchanged multiple emails but not IMs or talking. I really like his profile with things like looking for a "creative but professional" and "girl walk into a pub and order a cosmo". When he asked me out via email I did not push the phone call partial because making plans with someone you've never spoken to can be awkward.

Anyways, we meet outside of Republic. He is cute. Looks like the pic above maybe a little less cute. He says he's 5'10" but he's more like 5ft 9in because I was debatable taller than him with 1inch heels. There was awkward hug in the beginning and we headed into the restaurant. The food was yummy as usual! We had good conversation. We shared funny stories and he told me what it was like to grow up in NYC and now live in Forest Hills.

He was kind of on the nervous side. But that could have been a first date thing. When we first sat down he said how much he loves this place. When I asked him for food recommendations he said he never orders a main meal because it is too much food. Ha! I have no problem finishing off the fab Spicy Duck Noodles.

He was kind of particular about everything. He just didn't seem very flexible or laid back. But on the same note....we had a pretty good time. But when he asked for the check and I was home at 11pm I wasn't so surprised.

We walked out of the restaurant and he was saying how he was reading an article about how Match hires models sometimes to go out with ppl to keep their membership. And he nervously joked that I was pretty so maybe I was hired?? I couldn't tell if he was joking or was seriously questioning. I laughed and said I knew I had to tell you something! Ha! I was being witty :)

We left the date with him saying he's going to Atlantic City so maybe he'll strike it rich and maybe next time I can buy him dinner. Was he kidding? I wasn't sure. But again it was kind of awkward.

So all in all the date was OK. I still feel like I didn't really get a great grasp on him because he rushed out after 2 hrs. I was kind of disappointed because I really thought that we were very similar....Virgo, detail oriented, thinks things through. But I'm thinking maybe I'm not as particular as I imagine myself. Plus he's hard to compare to Rory who I text/email/speak to everyday.

If he asks me out again (via phone), I'll prob say yes. But Rory will still get priority.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Ha! So I figured out how to download the pics of my dates!! Above is Rory! This will be fun I'll always put his pic with the story-YAY!! Isn't he just the cutest?!!? And he's even cuter in person of course :)

And here is my necklace. It wasn't anything fab because I'm on a budget but it was a fun date project!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I had my first date with a guy from Match on Sunday. I was excited about this one because he's been at the top of my list of guys. We IM a lot, text often, and one enjoyable phone convo (for over an hour). He's very funny/sarcastic but then kind of quiet at the same time.

STATS: Rory, 28, 6ft. 2in., Construction worker, NJ (15 min from city), Libra

A couple of days before we were both researching. I was trolling through my TimeOut Mags that norm just collect dust for actual date things to do! I was getting more and more excited! Well he found this place in Union Square called Beads of Paradise. He knows I like necklaces so he said it could be fun. I thought it was so thoughtful!

So he drives in and we meet on the corner of 33rd/2nd at 1:15pm. When he greets me with a kiss on the cheek, all I can think of is how cute he is-ha! He is wearing Abercrombie shorts, sneakers, and a jersey tee with blue 3/4 length sleeves. He looks great!

It is a gorgeous day so we decide to walk. We are chatting away. I realize that I really have to go the bathroom. Damn! I should have gone when we left but now I guess its all nerves now. So I almost can't take it anymore and I tell him I'm really sorry but I have to go the bathroom. He chuckles and says there is a B&N right here we should go in. I'm only slightly embarrased because he is so nice about it. I pee, check my outfit in the mirror (red baby tee, black 3/4 length stretchy skirt, and flip flops) and head out.

We get to the bead store and it is great! I def recommend it! We go through the millions of bead options and I decide on a main stone and then work our way from there. I told him he has to make one too. He laughs and says he doesn't really wear jewelry and the guys at work would kill him :)

After I made my cool necklace, we walk around Union Square and find the Coffee Shop. It is a funky little dinner type place with great food! We had constant convo- no real awk moments. He's kind of a chatterbox but in this unobtrusive way. He says to me that ya know Rory from Gilmore's real name is Alexis. Ha! He is just the cutest!!

We decide to mosey around the city through all the street fairs that are going on. I'm on the hunt for a thumb ring. So while we were walking, he spots Constantine from American Idol last season. I know not really a celeb but still fun. Then we head to Starbucks, I get a latte and pee once more. He jokes I think you are winning 5-0...about how I peed a mil times :) I tell him I forgot to mention I won the world's smallest bladder contest years ago. He chuckles.

So he walks me back to my apt around 6pm. He says that he had a really good time and would like to see me again. Then adds that he is sorry if he was quiet or did something wrong because this is his first date since he and his ex (she dumped him 3 mths back to date someone else). I gleam- say not at all, he was great. He said so I guess that I need to be a cool guy and wait 2 days to call you. I say no-he laughs and says he'll be online later. Kiss on cheek and a hug later he was walking down the block to his car.

We talk later on that night on IM about our date. Any comments or observations...he thinks I'm really pretty, have a great smile, and how even though he was nervous I made him feel really comfortable. He even commented about how he thought my eye makeup was cool.

I've already forwarded him pics of Madelyn :) We have a 2nd date set for Saturday night!!

PS...Thursday night I have a date with Jon (my other top match guy) at Republic at 9pm!!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006


I think this this is my lucky day! Or maybe some good karma is being thrown my way? But my Paychex contact just gave me her PDA...FOR FREE!! She said that she is getting the updated version so I can have her Palm Treo!! I get my emails constantly, I can schedule whenever I want. I couldn't be more ecstatic!! I've wanted one for so long but couldn't afford it. And to top it off she said that her company is planning on buying her a new one in a few months and at that point I can have her updated Treo!! I talk to her a lot...but still?! I was definitely surprised by her generosity!!

And I couldn't think about what case I wanted for I'm using my Coach wristlet!! Woohoo!

Oh and a match update....I IM with 2 guys Rory and Marty. I've spoken to Charlie and Rory on the phone. I've given a couple of guys my number but they either haven't called or left a super scary message so I haven't called them back. I email consistently with about 8 guys. My favs right now are Rory and Jon (from Forest Hills-ha!).....

PS......I'm hanging out with Ofir tonight after class...Do I hear Joshua Tree?? :)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Ha! I nearly fell of my chair when I found this pic! I think I need to get it put on a t-shirt for EJ. Anyways, yes as you can tell from the title there is an EJ story coming.....

EJ has been getting contractions for about a month now and is in complete pain and just not happy. But for some reason on Monday night she thought they were worse and she was going to have the baby. So dear ole Andrew comes driving down from RI like a maniac I'm sure. He spends the night with EJ at the house and turns out sun rises and still no baby. They went to the doctor on Monday and everything still looks the same. So the plan is they are going to induce her on Monday, June 12th if there is no baby yet.

I think she just wanted to scam a visit out of Andrew-ha!

PS...The girl we were training to do the Brooklyn books just decided not to show up so now guess which gal needs to cover?? Oh yeah that means that I am reverse commuting out to Bklyn everyday now-ahhhh! Hopefully the new store opens soon and then I can only go to 42nd St.

PPS...Katie's bf broke up with her Saturday night so she is sad. But doing better than expected. I think partially because she knew he wasn't the one. But I feel bad.

PPPS...I woke up this morning not feeling 100% but I have I take some vitamins...there are some hot dates in the making :)

Sunday, June 04, 2006


A /B

C/ D


So here are all my pics that I have posted right now. Now keep in mind that these pics are all teeny tiny in size on the site.

All the guys love my drill pic-my fav too! Plus they all like my simplified approach to my profile. Not filled with demands and expectations just short and sweet :)

But now here is the question....which one should I make my primary photo? I'm torn between A and E. I got a million hits when E was my primary but now A is my primary and its not as much. But it could just be that I just signed on and was inundated with potentials. What do you think?

Should I add any more? Anyone have any other cute pics I should add?

My user name that they all see is lexluv79-ha!

Friday, June 02, 2006


Holy Crapballs!! Ok so mad drama! The cop has been a little absent these days. Now I know that he's not my bf but he used to text all the time now its more of me putting in the effort and just little things like that. So on Wed after he replied to my text I'm asleep and I later saw him on AIM, I was starting to take the hint. But I really like to make sure these things are really clear to me so I text him again yesterday saying enjoying the weather....his friendly reply was hint of making plans. So after I ask him when we are going to hang out again and he replies he works a lot of OT these days. I wrote back ok cool...see you around. It was fun while it lasted :) I know it was a bit dramatic but he's a little dim so I wanted to make sure that he got the point. Anyways, he writes back no no...lets hang out tonight. Ok so I bite.....I haven't seen him in 2 wks and I'm thinking maybe at least I'll get some :)

So after class we go to Joshua Tree. We have some drinks, chat, he's pretty drunk because he was drinking earlier....yada, yada back at the apt with no clothes on....I'm kinda drunk too so I start asking questions like why do you like hanging out with me. I know I'm sorry its lame but I still needed some affirmation that he likes me (I swear I don't normally act like this unless I feel like its going out the window anyways..ya know sort of like a last ditch effort) So he says to me, "Well you give good head." Now of course I'm a mix of shock and laughter because I've had 3 vodka redbulls.

But then he blurts out. "I'm seeing someone else too. You don't care right?" So I say nope so am I no big deal. Then the phone rings....he tells me to be quiet and picks up the phone. He proceeds to talk to this girl for 10 min about how he is taking the week off to be with her and her family and this whole big dramatic envolved conversation about how much he likes her. It ends with I love you! Ha! You can picture me picking up my clothes with my blood boiling.

I say you can go now. He says sit down we need to talk. So he proceeds to tell me that he has a gf in CA that he met when she lived here. And maybe we can be friends with benefits? Am I mad at him? Do I hate him? He wants to break up with her but doesn't know how to. What does he do?

I say first off you are retarded for picking up that phone. It's totally different seeing other people as opposed to saying I love you to can I compete with that? I don't hate him but don't really see how we can be friends. I don't want to get attached to something when he is so committed to someone else.

I was really calm not crazy or anything. We didn't really leave it as anything but I'm not going to go out with him anymore. Am I overreacting? My point is that if he was seeing other girls-no problem! But saying I love you and disrespecting me by picking up the phone in front of me? And if he is feeding her all that crap what is he feeding me?

Good thing for Match!! real EJ updates....The doctor told her she is going to be after her due date and she is not happy!! Maybe she'll want to take her anger out on a cop?? ha!

Thursday, June 01, 2006


As we all know my brother's wedding is coming up shortly-August 12th!! Seeing as I can't take my prof, I'm on a mission to find a date. Now Mr. Cop is still in the picture (he left me a message today) but I want more options plus lord knows if he'll last that long. Oh yeah plus me and my hot Israeli classmate, Ofir, that I made out with, are emailing back and forth....but still....options I need more options! I'm not talking marriage. I'm just talking about someone to laugh with me wearing that awful dress! So I've ventured on to Match. I figured if anything I'd get some great stories for the blog :)

Well gals! I signed up last night and you will never believe the response!! I put some cute pics of me up and made sure to put a full body photo of me too-ha! And just today I had 57 matches!! 18 winks! 30 emails!! I swear this is a full time job!! Holy crap!!

Now what happens is that you can wink to show interest, send an email to their anonymous account, or do your own search of your own using key words to find more people. This is all based on a very long personality test that I took last night. Then I can wink or email back. I can see everyone who looks at my profile too, who is online, when they read my emails, etc.

There are definitely some oddballs but there were 30 guys that sent winks and emails to...I seriously had 3 different browsers open at once.....ahhh! This is soooo much fun!!! The whole process might sound confusing so let me know any questions along the way.....

I am about to give you the ultimate Match experience so hold onto your seats girls!!