Thursday, June 08, 2006


I think this this is my lucky day! Or maybe some good karma is being thrown my way? But my Paychex contact just gave me her PDA...FOR FREE!! She said that she is getting the updated version so I can have her Palm Treo!! I get my emails constantly, I can schedule whenever I want. I couldn't be more ecstatic!! I've wanted one for so long but couldn't afford it. And to top it off she said that her company is planning on buying her a new one in a few months and at that point I can have her updated Treo!! I talk to her a lot...but still?! I was definitely surprised by her generosity!!

And I couldn't think about what case I wanted for I'm using my Coach wristlet!! Woohoo!

Oh and a match update....I IM with 2 guys Rory and Marty. I've spoken to Charlie and Rory on the phone. I've given a couple of guys my number but they either haven't called or left a super scary message so I haven't called them back. I email consistently with about 8 guys. My favs right now are Rory and Jon (from Forest Hills-ha!).....

PS......I'm hanging out with Ofir tonight after class...Do I hear Joshua Tree?? :)

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