Thursday, September 28, 2006


A few dates ago, it came up in funny conversation between Peter and I about girls having the ability to "squirt". Apparently one of his friend's girlfriends can do it. Now I have seen many a porno with this so I knew it existed but had suddenly developed a curiosity on how a girl can physically do this. I mean I think it is an exceptional talent and one that would be fun to try and master-ha!

So a few days ago I googled it to be splashed (no pun intended) with a million dirty pics and websites with this going on. I did find some instructional things but of course I had to sign up for stuff and have manuals sent to my apt. I'm curious but not willing to make that kind of investment.

Later that night I turn on my computer and all of a sudden it is flashing all these crazy things like....YOUR COMPUTER HAS BEEN INFECTED WITH A VIRUS, big red Xs, crazy stuff. So immediately I call my brother. He instructs me through a few things and everything seems OK...until the next day my hot Abercrombie guy is no longer my wallpaper so I knew something was wrong. I run Norton Anti-Virus and turns out somehow I got the Trojan Virus!! WTF!! I didn't download anything. I was just merely viewing some sites (for research purposes I might add!!).

So I call my brother again and immediately he asks me what porn sites I was looking at. I laugh of course and confess my research project. After he finished hysterical laughing he tells me that he is going to have to take my laptop for a week to remove the programs and reinstall a ton of stuff. I didn't lose anything on my computer.....
But the morale of the story is......

Monday, September 25, 2006

Krazy in Korea

Oh man! Last Saturday I had a date with Pete. I was really looking forward to it seeing as our last couple of dates had been fun adventures not to mention I was going to finally try some Korean food.

Well I have been super stressed for my midterms next week and have been sleeping very little. So I was doing my best to muster up some energy to go out but I was not being so successful. I was a tad on the cranky side in general but it was going by the way side as I was excitedly getting ready to go out.

We planned on him coming by at 7pm...however 6:30pm I get a text saying he running late (which isn't so unusual-we joke about how we both are always late-not to mention its just me sitting in my apt so no harm done). But this time his text said he'll be here at 8pm. 8:15pm comes and I'm starting to fall asleep on my couch so I text him if he is close and he calls saying that he didn't sleep much the night before (he works the night shifts during the week) so he took a nap and didn't hear his alarm. He apologized profusely and I joked that it was fine just get here because I'm starving and falling asleep on the couch.

He finally arrives and we drove to Flushing to have the "best Korean food"...and thank goodness it was amazing! We had these great potato pancakes and this great sauteed meat. I had no idea that Korean food came with all these little plates of toppings of vegetables, spices, fruit, and all this crazy stuff to mix with the meat. Peter showed me how to make this little baby burritos with lettuce and all the topping stuffed in there. I must have said yum like a million times!

We were being our silly old-selves which was fun but then there were some awkward moments. For example...I was trying to compensate for my lack of energy by telling some funny stories. So I told him about how our neighbors pay for our electric. I think that story is hysterical...however he thought it was kinda mean of us not to tell them. I was a bit surprised and tried to slightly justify myself but then quickly dropped the subject. There was even some confusion about paying the check...eek!

We left dinner at 11:45pm and heading into the city to this bar called Lit. It is this dark funky bar downtown. We were canoodling and chatting but then we found seats to cozy up in. I saw him yawning and I was really trying to hold mine in. After we both milked our beers for an hour or so we decided to leave.

We messed around more in his car in front of my apt, he said he would call me this week, and I ran for my bed!

I had a really good time just not an amazing time like all the other dates so I'm chalking it up to lack of sleep.

He just called today and thank goodness with both of us well rested....the witty banter was back in full effect :)

Thursday, September 21, 2006


I went to the doctor and officially booked another surgery. I know-super exciting! I can't wait! (sarcasm) On Wednesday, Oct 11 I'm going to get one of the screws removed from my leg. The big one that goes through my fibula and tibia. I will still have to go to the hospital but I won't be knocked out. He will make an incision about an inch long over my current scar. I will need to go back a week after that to get the stiches removed.

Supposedly I will only be on crutches for a few days. So most likely I'll be heading back to Hotel Paul on LI. The doctor already thinks I'm nuts so I think I'm going to ask him to save the screw-ewh! ha!

On the more fun side of things.....this was a huge week in TV! All the new shows started up! Now Katie and I already admittedly have a TV addiction. But we just can't help ourselves. So I felt the need to review a few of them that my friend TIVO taped for me.....

The Class: Cute sitcom with good jokes. Can easily sit and enjoy some mindless humor without being stupid like that show Joey. We both really liked it! THUMBS UP!

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip: Too drama-ish...and not in a good way. It is a lot like West Wing with very involved plots and drama about a dumb TV show that is a mock SNL. Plus its 60 min! Neither of us like it. THUMBS DOWN!

Kidnapped: I was initially drawn to this show because of Jeremy Sisto-the hottie from Clueless and wackjob from Six Feet Under. This show is an intense hunt for a kidnapped son.....very cool but kinda hard to describe why. THUMBS UP!

Six Degrees: You will recognize all the characters from movies like Serendipity and Crazy/Beautiful. I love the concept that everyone is somehow it takes place in NYC!! Very likeable characters and interesting plot! THUMBS UP!!

Monday, September 18, 2006


Date 2 with Peter started out great! He picked me up in his car at 7:30pm and drove into Brooklyn headed to the Brooklyn Academy of Music. He chose this place because of the indie movies and great architecture.

Trying to get to the theatre we hit a ton of traffic. He wasn't bothered by it and we were chatting away. A lot of our conversation is silly banter but it did come out that his mom is a super hippy and 3 things he took away from that were...his longish hair (a little above the chin), love of organic food, and trying not to kill bugs (there was a spider in the car that he gracefullly picked up and threw out the window) I teased him that it was really nice of him so now the spider will get run over. He looked at me laughed and said good point.

After much traffic we show up at the theatre and I ask him if he has any idea about what he wants to see. He says No not really. Naturally I looked at the website a while back and saw that every movie playing looked good so I didn't mind his free spirited-ness....its actually relaxing to me. We bought tickets to Little Miss Sunshine which was the next movie playing in 30 min....not to mention the movie I secretly wanted to see the most. We sat and chatted on the stairs of the theatre...I even showed him (and he touched-ewh!) my leg scar which he thought was the coolest thing ever. The theatre itself looked like we were at a Broadway theatre with the high arching ceilings and wood carving mantles, etc-very cool!

The movie was adorable and then we headed to this peruvian restaurant called Mancora. The food is kind of like Spanish food...I had snapper with rice, beans, yuca, tomatoes. I also had a mojito-yum! He had some meat plate. Dinner was great and he officially declared his quest to show me all the great places to eat in the city....He loves trying new food and is very excited that I do as well but is shocked when I say statements like I've never had Korean food.

We then head across the street to a bar called Camp. It was cute with a woodsy theme. We have a few Stella beers, chat away, and get cozy on the couches in the back. And now you know when you put beers and comfy couches good 2:30am we were necking in the back...but we were both sober so we kept the DH-ing in check...have no fear! ;)

The place is emptying out and we head back the car to continue out makeout fest. As stuff was being whipped out I was looking around making sure there were no cops...there is only so many times I need to get caught with a wang in my hand in the car-ha!

Now you ask why didn't we just take it back to the apt? Well he was driving me back to LI because I had a family dinner planned for Sunday and he was saving me a trip.....

So anyways, we drive back to Baldwin and he drops me off. After making out some more, he says I'll give you a call next week and we'll have Korean food. I say sounds good and head into the house to find a mark on my neck! To which my mother laughs the next day and says it looks like you had a good date with Peter huh??!

Sneaking into the house at 5am and trying to cover up a was just like being back in high school...27 or 17 what's the difference...except maybe better hair :)

PS...He just called me and we have plans for Saturday-woohoo!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Baruch sent out an email to all the students looking for people to come and take some photos. They are re-doing all of their advertisements, brochures, website, and general pictures around campus.

I thought it would be funny to reply back with some sassy photos. Which by the way can all glamourously be found at some point on this blog....esp the fancy one of me with the faux hair! The next day I got a response saying I have been selected to participate.

On Tuesday I show up to a bunch of other students....I seem to be the "token blonde American" But it was all good here! The day was filled with bits like me playing air hockey in a pink Baruch sweatshirt, buying a cup of coffee, studying with friends, and some solo pics of me hanging out by some tables.

There was lots of waiting around and at one point my lips were quivering because my smile muscles were worn out....but it was awesome! The photogs were super nice and splashed me with compliments like, "You are so photogenic" and "You missed your calling." Definite confidence booster!!

So who knows, if you see a bus drive by with a Baruch ad maybe it will have my smiling face on it-ha! That would really be hysterical!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


EJ came to the rescue and finally sent me some Maddie photos!! They are doing great! EJ started up school and Maddie started up daycare. EJ was upset to drop her off at daycare but she just called up excited that Maddie has a boyfriend....Conor!! They smile and flirt with each other all day!! Obviously she takes after her Aunt Leelee!! :)

Friday, September 08, 2006

  1. The boot is not only a fashion statement but a good place to put a tampon when you have your hands full with crutches.
  2. Guys invent new ways to holler at you on the street. ie. "You are the hotest girl on crutches!"
  3. A good way to save money on shopping because I'm too tired to get to the stores
  4. Banging a cop won't reserve you VIP seats for the fireworks but so-lows and a fancy set of crutches will!
  5. You can never wait too long for an elevator
  6. Not listening to my IPOD on the NYC streets won't kill me
  7. This is what it takes in order to have Katie actually clean the apartment
  8. I actually can get tired of wearing my so-lows everyday
  9. Perfect way to convince my mom to buy me a whole new wardrobe because "nothing I have fits over a cast"
  10. Lastly......Guys will still makeout with you at bars even though your latest accessories are a cast and crutches!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Aylin's boyfriend had this cute friend that she wanted to set me up with. She has only been with her boyfriend for 2 months so she has only met this guy a handful of times. But she thought he was cute and nice so why not!?

A few weeks back Aylin and I met up with her bf and his friend for drinks. We talked the whole night and Peter and I even stayed after Aylin and her bf had left for the night. He asked for my number and called me a few days later to hang out. Of course I was busy celebrating my bday for a week so I wasn't really around. But last Saturday we actually made plans.

Peter, the 30 yr old artist at Bank of America picked me up in his car because he was driving in from Long Island. There was a Raphael exhibit at the Met that he wanted to see. He loves the Italian Renaissance Period. The weather was yucky rainy but I was sporting jeans, sneakers, a cute black tank, and a white tight blazer (a la Ft Lauderdale) plus I was having a fabulous hair day so it was all good!

We headed up to the paying booth and I said I have my student ID so we can get a discount. He said oh no thats only suggested prices. So he pulls a dollar out of his pocket and says to the girl two please. I already have seven dollars in my hand so after he walks away I give the girl my money. He sees me and says did you just give her money? I said yes. And he continues to go on about how much money the museum already has and all his profs told him to only give in a dollar. I guess he was embarrased that I second guessed him but I just said I was feeling generous and I hadn't been there in years so it was a worthy contribution. Truth of the matter is that I thought he was being rude and didn't think it was such a big deal to throw down some extra cash. And now thinking back I think a lot of artists have the same sentiment towards museum admission. Oh well! We got over it in like a second but I was still thinking this guy was a little annoying.

The exhibit was pretty cool. He also showed me some of his other favorite exhibits like the pyramids and the relaxation room. We were there for a while and decided to get some food. We drove downtown to this place called TOMOE SUSHI. He proclaimed that it was the best sushi ever. There was even a line outside of this little tiny downtown place! We waited on line (with an umbrella because of the slight mist) for about 30 min! But he is really sarcastic and had me laughing the entire time.

He was excited that I eat sashimi too and ordered us tons of great fish. I even tried a scallop roll! He was right tho...the sushi was pretty amazing! We talked a ton about his trip 'cross country. He had lots of funny stories and we shared some witty banter. PS....He paid for dinner...I wonder if I gave him a complex-oops! :) But I told him I would buy him some drinks.

He walked us a block down to Madame X. I thought it was really funny because I know Devon wants to go there for her bday and I think it was where Mel was going to go speed dating. But the place is super cool! Very dark with red velvet couches and funky paintings. Basicallly a very hip chill scene. It was good because it wasn't crowded and we could talk. So after another drink or two and tons of flirting he leaned in and kissed me. Um yeah we were making out at Madame X-ha! But then the clock struck 3am!! And decided that I need to get home.

He drove me back to my apt where we continued to make out. He asked if he could come upstairs. I said maybe another time. He said in his typical sarcastic tone after I peeled him from my can I call you? To which I smiled and said no :) date was, sushi, and tons of laughing! But I still hadn't heard from him now on Tuesday??!! Date was Friday? Did I embarrass him with the Museum ticket thing? Is he mad I said he couldn't sleepover? Is he being a flakey artist? Is he just not that into me?

I'll keep you updated!