Friday, November 16, 2007

It's official!! I have a job!! YAY! I'm so excited. I'll be working for E*sner (*=i just to be safe :) They are a top 15 mid size firm here in NYC. They have been one of my top choices all along and actually my first all day interview that I went on. I really liked everyone I met and just felt I would fit in best here.
I'll be working in the Auditing department. Which basically means I go around to different clients with a team of staff and we look at the companies financial making sure that everything was done without fraud, etc. Then we issue an opinion on it. Working in Auditing is required for at least a year in order for me to sit for the CPA exam which is my intention. Also because they are a mid-size firm I will work in all different industries. One week I may be in real estate and the next financial services. It will be good exposure to me because I don't have any public accounting experience. Oh and I will probably be traveling a lot. I told them that I prefer not to be gone for longer than 3 weeks so we'll see how that goes.
I start January 7 which was a big deal with me because a lot of people were hiring for September.
What a crazy week!!!


Mel B said...


i'm assuming you are trading in the so-lows for a power suit?

Amy said...

hiphip hooray!!!
what a fancy sounding job! and traveling on the company dime sounds very exotic! start signing up for all their Vegas and LA client visits :-)
so exciting!! congrats!