Thursday, April 06, 2006




Katie was wandering into our apt building last night when she ran into our neighbor. Yes this is the unfriendly neighbor that pays our electric bills and doesn't know it. Anyways, she tells that she got off of the phone with the building's management and they sold the building!!

Um yeah that's right THEY SOLD OUR APARTMENT BUILDING!!! She was told that we would be able to stay for our lease but then we would have to leave. We have not been told officially but Katie left a message with the Building Mgmt Office. So we will stalk them until we have an answer.

So we might be on the hunt for a new apartment soon. I think the owner of our building owns other buildings so we might try to get hooked up there. I'm soooo bummed!! I wanted to stay here for the rest of school because its so convenient and the price is right. Plus the thought of searching through Craigslist, broker's fees, gives me agita.....

We are going to wait to hear back from mgmt but we will most likely try to get hooked up with another one of his buildings. If not then we are on the hunt again! And if we don't find something in this price range then Katie is going packing back to LI and I'll have to squirrel my way around looking for a new roomie!

I'll keep you updated!!! AHHHH!!!

PS...Patty do you see your wedding photo on our fridge as well as your fancy blue dishes. And Meghan can you spy your George Forman Grill?? :)


Amy said...

gah! thats such crazy news about your building. well at least there is some potential for staying out the lease and hopefully a sweet deal at a new place.
And I loved all the sweet updates on EJ's shower and Justin's dog! :)

MAP said...

Thanks girls!! Lease is up August 26. But apparently everyone else's lease is up July 30th. So Katie and I are picturing us sitting in the dark (bec we don't pay our electric) alone in the whole building. Mgmt is still not calling us back.....