Saturday, April 08, 2006


Last night I had the strangest dream. I normally remember all my dreams and tend to dream frequently. But I've been so distracted lately or perhaps not really sleeping I haven't remembered any.

So I drempt that I won an Academy Award. I'm not quite sure for what. But while I was walking on stage either my heels were too high or the floor was slippery but I kept falling. It was like I was on ice...I couldn't even stand. But it didn't matter I was still just super excited to be on stage and receiving the award.

Then the scene cuts and I was recognized in a bank as being on TV and receiving the award.

Then I'm at an "after-party" or some sort of party and all you girls and the guys were there-the normal bunch of us. But it was at my parents house in LI?? And I had no pants on? And no one really seemed to notice until my Mom yelled at me and said, "Mary Alexis, are you not wearing any pants?"

Damn, back to reality......

1 comment:

Amy said...

i love that you were the celebrity sighting in your dream. the falling i sorta get (FH 2 fridays ago, fancy outfit and you almost taking a spill on the way out) and the no pants...sooo reminiscent of every pool party at your house for the last 10 years! haha :)